Vegan Curry Sweet Potato Balls Recipe

This hearty and cheap vegan recipe is a perfect appetiser for a Steampunk dinner party. A symbol of Faded Empire.
Serve “Faded Empire” curry sweet potato balls to your guests as an appetiser for a steampunk dinner party. They’re vegan, so they’ll please everyone.
- 2 big sweet potatoes
- About 3 cups of all-purpose flour, non-gluten or plain wheat flour as preferred
- 3 table spoonfuls of water
- Curry spice
- Cardamon
- Breadcrumbs
- Salt and Pepper to taste.
First, steam your potatoes. You can do this with a veggie steamer or just by poking lots of holes in the spuds then covering each one with a damp paper towel then tossing them in the microwave for about 7 minutes each. Once your potatoes are nice and soft, take off the skin and put them in a large mixing bowl. Sprinkle some salt and pepper and then mash them. Next, pour in your flour (or gluten-free flour if required). You basically want to make your sweet potatoes into a kind of soft dough.
Next, dust some flour on your hands and form the dough into balls about the size of a small gumball, or half of an egg. Sprinkle some more flour on them so they’re not so sticky.
Now take your breadcrumbs (gluten free or otherwise), put them in small bowl and put a generous amount of Curry and Cardamon to flavour them. In a separate bowl mix about 2 spoon fulls of flour with 3 spoonfuls of water and mix well. This what will bind the breadcrumbs to the potato balls.
Dip your potato balls into the liquid flour mixture and then into the bread crumbs. Once that’s all done, get a medium non-stick pan and fill it about half way with vegetable oil. Set the stove on medium heat.
After the oil is nice and hot, carefully place the potato balls in the pan and fry them until the outside is delicous-looking and crispy! Sprinkle with some more salt and pepper, and there you go!
This is a relatively inexpensive recipe, even in a worst-case scenario when you don’t even have flour in your house. Don’t think you get a hold of some fresh sweet potatoes? Canned yams will work just as well (just be sure to drain them thoroughly).