Mookychick Submission Guidelines

We are currently closed to submissions.
We are currently on hiatus and closed to submissions. When we re-open to submissions we will be seeking personal essays, poetry, fiction, artwork, interviews, how-to guides, reviews, thought pieces and listicles relating to:
- The esoteric and liminal, weird and Wyrd
- Magical practice, myth and folklore
- Inclusive feminism, LGBTQIA+ and diversity
- Mental health, body positivity and self-care
- Culture and the arts (books, film, music, games, comics, theatre, podcasts)
- Incredible people and sources of inspiration
- Artists – interview yourself for our (ARTHAGS showcase)
- We receive a great deal of poetry and fiction. It is always welcome, but we would love to see more personal essays, esoteric how-to guides, and non-fiction.
Since 2005 Mookychick has had over 1,000 contributors. Our deepest, heartfelt thanks.
Submit your work to our editors
Poetry Editor: Juliette van der Molen
Magic & Witchcraft
Magical Editor: Kate Garrett
Creative Non-Fiction
CNF/Essays Editor: Dr. Charley Barnes
Feminism & Diversity
Diversity Editor: Evelynn Black
Assistant Editor: Megha Sood
Assistant Editor: Nellie Cole
Social Media
Social Media Manager: Imogen L. Smiley
Poetry FAQs
Poetry Submission Guidelines (currently CLOSED TO SUBMISSIONS)
Please include the following:
1. Subject line should be formatted: POETRY SUBMISSION//Author Name//Theme or General
We occasionally have themed calls. If you are responding to this, please indicate it in the subject line. If not, please put ‘general’ in the subject line.
2. A cover letter introducing yourself, a little about the poems you are submitting and why you think they are a good fit for Mookychick. We want to know about you!
3. A third person bio (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and personal website links welcome) along with an author photo (optional).
4. Please send no more than three previously unpublished (3) poems in a .doc, .docx (.pdf accepted if your poetry has special formatting needs). We also accept single poem submissions!
Simultaneous submissions are welcome, just let us know if it is accepted elsewhere during our reading process.
Poetry Book Review Submission guidelines
Please include the following:
Subject line should be formatted: BOOK REVIEW SUBMISSION//Book Title//Author Name
A cover letter introducing yourself with a short synopsis of your book. Please include publisher information and if it has not been released, include the upcoming release date.
Please include third person bio (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and personal website links welcome) along with an author photo (optional).
Please send 3-4 poems in a separate .doc or .docx attachment — Please Do NOT send the entire manuscript at this time.
You will receive an email from us letting you know if we accept the book for review. Upon acceptance we are able to review advance reader copies or published copies in either a digital or physical format.
General FAQs
What should I include in my submission?
We prefer finished pieces to pitches, although you are very welcome to swing an idea our way before getting down to it. A finished piece means we get a glimpse of the way you write, which is incredibly helpful.
When you send in your first piece, please include your preferred author name, paragraph of bio in the third person, a personal link if desired and a profile pic, so we can build you an author page.
Can I send you my opinion piece?
Absolutely. If it’s a really big issue that needs signal boosting, it’s helpful to include other resources and links to useful people and places so readers can find out more.
Do you have a preferred word count?
We like thoughtful long reads and sweetly short ones, too. We prefer content to be at least 350 words long, although we’ll understand if it’s mainly photos, not words. We have no upper limit on word count – write until you’ve said what you want to say.
Can I send you work that has been published elsewhere?
We can only accept original and unpublished work – we can’t publish anything that’s already appeared somewhere else, even if it’s on your blog or Tumblr.
Is there any payment for published submissions?
Currently, all our contributors are unpaid volunteers, as are the editorial team. We will, however, be honoured to share your work with our readers and build you an author profile link for your portfolio. And we work as hard as we can to ensure our contributors are seen and valued as much and as highly as possible.
What’s your approach to #OwnVoices content?
If pieces are about queer people, disabled people, and/or people of colour, it is preferable if these pieces are written by queer people, disabled people, and/or people of colour. In a better world it wouldn’t need to be said, but yes, we welcome trans perspectives.
Can my post be anonymous?
Yes. Yes, yes, yes. Safety and online privacy matters. You are welcome to publish under whichever name you choose, your real name or a nom-de-plume. You are equally welcome to publish your piece as an Anonimook if you prefer. We are all anonimook.
Can I change my author profile at a later date?
Absolutely. Our nature and focus evolves over time. The author profile you once had on Mookychick may no longer reflect you as a person. We will be happy to change it immediately on request. We think it is important to support you so that you can have agency in controlling your online identity and presence.