Call for Submissions: Seeking the Esoteric, the Peculiar, the Piece that Won’t Fit

A call for submissions: Send us your strange, your unusual, your academic and photographic and esoteric. Send us the things that live between the cracks.
Hello. It’s Magda here, EIC of Mookychick. How on earth are you?
The creative sap is rising. I cannot speak for all, but I’ve been filled with a welcome burst of creativity that’s been missing in my life for a while. As a result, I’ve written a cthonic, heavy but healing Medusa ritual for our upcoming anthology, The Medusa Project. I’ve curated a piece on interpreting coronavirus dreams with the aid of contributions from generous and thoughtful dreamers around the world. And I’ve written a 24-stanza unseelie folktale epic, complete with video, Mary Pulcifer and the Seelie Pudding, that Kristin Garth kindly published on Pink Plastic House Press. My next writing project will be a look at the life and work of surrealist photographer Dora Maar.
Why am I telling you this? Not to trumpet my own things, honestly. It’s just that I’m giving myself permission to be eclectic as a creator, and I hope that you seek to give yourself permission too. I wish to see what YOU do.
The gate to creativity is unlocked, and I yearn for pitches and finished pieces from likeminded souls who feel, in their bones, that they are so much more than the sum of their parts.
I want to see the strange, the peculiar, the esoteric. Let us not forget that esoteric means hidden – the truth that must be sought. Send me your work on people, actions, passions, projects that are invisible so that they may be brought into the light and be perceived as resplendent.
Call for esoteric submissions: bring the hidden to light
- Send me your rituals, your conjectures, your creative prose and non-fiction.
- Send me your creative non-fiction about the likes of 19th century russian occultist Maria de Naglowska, or Isadora Duncan, or the suburban housewife magic of the 1950s, or the women of magic, folk and folklore who have fallen through the cracks.
- Send me your anti-capitalism rituals, your messy Tarot experiences, your Hekate meditations, your esoteric uses for ‘sunweed’ dandelion tea.
- Send me your open letter to St. Hildegard von Bingen or any visionary who speaks to you.
- Imagine what Frida Kahlo would write if she wrote an essay about all the actual, physical dirt tracks she has encountered in her life.
- Send me your prose and photography exploring the nature of the hag, the troubador, the pistol-waving vandals of yesterday’s highways.
- Send me your collection of masks.
- Send me a write up of that archaeology project you worked on, and why it’s a cause for rejoicing.
- Send me your essay on Russian fairytale cinema from the 1950s and 60s.
- Send me your detailed guide on how you prepare and look after the bones you’ve found from avian roadkill.
- Send me a photo/prose meditation on your most recent, most powerful walk into the wild world yonder.
- Send me your love of woodcuts, or daguerrotypes, or historical Victorian special effects.
- Send me your thoughts on why learning to play piano feels like working with a Difference Engine.
- Send me words on your flotsam and jetsam finds, your life as a mudlarker, your cabinet of curiosities discovered when the river near your home was finally dredged.
- Send me 3,000 word essays on Morgana Le Fay dumping Merlin in a tree.
- Send me your thoughts on The Crucible.
- Send me that one unexplainable paranormal experience that happened to you.
Send me the non-obvious.
Send me fascinating. By which I mean you are fascinated by it. Truly fascinated. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.
And I will be fascinated too.
Open the door to my imagination, and I will honour it as a powerful gift and celebrate your creativity to the underworld and back. Here at Mookychick, we will be honoured to receive your work.
Get in touch at [email protected] (Magda Knight) and say hello. I’d love to hear from you!