Healthy hair how to guide for bad hair days

Your hair is the first thing the world sees, and it’s your best chance at communicating who you are. A hairstyle says volumes about you, from your music tastes to when you like to wake up and who your friends are. Are there things you could do to keep your lovely hair more healthy?
Unfortunately, one glance at your hair can communicate how much time you put into making it healthy – or not, as the case may be. From bleached and dyed mohawks to matted dreadlocks, if your style of choice has led to stressed, dry or damaged hair, here’s how continue making a personal statement while restoring your hair at the same time.
1. Pinpoint the culprit. Hair product? Styling tool?
Your hair responds to each different product, styling tool and process differently. There is a good chance that one of these could be doing more damage than the others. Alter your routine from day to day to figure out which days your hair is driest and less flexible; this will lead you to the primary culprit of your hair damage.
2. Hair stylist can help keep your alternative hairstyle healthy.
It’s an adventuress’s delight to stand out from the crowd, although it’s best to be noticed for the right reasons. If your hairstyle is particularly hard to manage and maintain, such as a brightly bleached and coloured spiked cut, see your stylist regularly – or find a hairdresser friend you can talk to for free – for maintenance and colouring advice or touch-ups.
Professional hairdressers can offer protective hair care advice for you too, ensuring that all that rocking rage stays put on your head. There are also special shampoos and conditions available for brightly dyed hair such as radiant red to help preserve your favourite colours! And, let’s face it, we mooks do have a thing for resplendently fiery tresses.
3. Remember your regular hair care maintenance.
Even if you have an unusual style, there’s still one thing you have in common with everyone else: the need for regular shampoos and conditioners. Place an emphasis on conditioning the hair to ensure it remains supple and moisturised. The softer your hair is, the better it will respond to all of the ways you can think of to twist and gel it. Try combing conditioner through dry hair and leaving it for 10 minutes for a glossy boost. As well as the genuinely very good commercial hair products out there, be sure to research DIY hair care products. You may have something in your kitchent that can help your distressed locks.
4. Give your hair a break – hat day!
Chanelling Tank Girl with a punk hairstyle isn’t the only way to make a fashion statement with your barnet. If you’re having a day of relaxation, consider wearing a hat that reaffirms your style. Vintage pill box hats, Sherlock Holmes deerstalkers and French Resistance berets are recommended. The wearing of hats is a good way to protect your hair and takes virtually no time to pull off.
5. Continue with follow-up care.
After you have successfully restored your hair back to its healthiest state, remember to practise preventative measures to keep it that way. If you choose to process or dye your hair, use less of the chemical than you did before. If you choose to heat style it, set your blow dryer and straighteners on a lower temperature. Also, continue to use deep conditioners and products that restore moisture to your hair so that it can continue to build strength and become even healthier.
If you have dyed hair, research products (shampoos, conditioners) that keep the colour in and stop the hair from getting brittle.
If you need to give your hair a rest, hide it under a hat. A deerstalker hat, perhaps.