Halloween Zombie Makeup Tutorial

Guess what? You’re infected. Learn how to apply full zombie makeup effects (pallid skin, veins, rotting flesh and blood effects) for Halloween. Always important to look your best…
1. Not a Zombie. Just a cold on the way.
Start with a blank, clean face.
Please note: This zombie makeup tutorial has been created using fashion cosmetics only. It’s something you can do with the makeup you already have lying around. Halloween costume ideas can be cheap!
Using either a light foundation (preferably 2-3 shades lighter than your skin tone) or a water-based grey face paint, apply the face paint / foundation to your face and neck. Make sure you don’t apply it so it’s a block colour on your face. You want the application to lighten your skin tone to a death colour. Don’t forget your ears and bring it up to the hairline too. No gaps!
Arms and other body parts are optional in this process.
2: Feeling unwell. More like flu?
Contour under the cheekbones and in the temples. You want to look sallow and sunken in. Leave the eyes out for this part, but contour in all the places on your face where there is no bone. To contour, use a dark grey or even a black (but if you use black, contour lightly). Remember to layer rather than put too much on a brush. This is an effect that works best if you build it up gradually, rather than trying to do it all in one go. Remember, slow and steady wins the Zombie Apocalypse.
3: Infected. Maybe I did get bitten after all…
The next step is to bruise the eye and nose area. To make you look really infected, use colours like dark purples, blues, browns and a red eyeshadow if you have one or can get one. Remember to use matte eyeshadows if you can, nothing too glittery. We’re not going for Glitter Disco Zombie, tempting though the notion may be. Add ‘infection’ eye colour a little at a time, building it up. You want it to look like your skin is starting to rot, and so is the flesh under the skin.
4: Brainsss…
Our next step is detailing – that is, the mottling and veining of the skin. A self-respecting zombie wouldn’t dream of having unmottled skin. Use a liner brush to do this as it will give you more precise detailing. Follow your natural veins and then add some more smaller ones.
Add in more rotting with greens and the same dark purples, blues, browns and reds we used in step 3. Remember to not blend too much. To apply, use light motions with fingers or brushes. Built the effect up slowly and patiently, and you will look all the more convincingly zombified for it.
5: Full Zombie Undead
If you have bought fake blood (or have made yourself some already) then splatter the fake blood with a toothbrush around the mouth area and anywhere you think is suitable. We leave it at your discretion. Although – as a zombie – you may not have any discretion.
If you want to and have the time to buy it, I recommend Fresh Scratch by Kryolan. It’s a marvellous blood effect.
And there you have it! Pure yesterday, infected today, zombie tomorrow.
The perfect zombie make-up for Halloween!