Healing Magick and 3 Ways It Can Help You Today

Sometimes we need to slow down and have space to heal. Mind, body, spirit.
In many ways we’re becoming separated from the natural world. Today, we can fly to the other side of the globe in the time it would have taken our ancestors to walk to the next town. Many of us go through months, sometimes years, without feeling the grass under our feet or picking flowers from the field or eating fruit straight from a tree. And it can be too easy to cease becoming consciously aware of the absence of Mother Earth from our daily lives.
The imbalance of modern life makes it hard to be healthy. Perhaps we don’t eat well, or, if able-bodied, consider exercise a luxury or worse, a waste of time and we are under near constant stress. All of this can leave us less than well – sometimes physically, often spiritually, and with a deep, unfulfilled need for healing. Not just a need to not be unwell, but a need to fully heal, body and soul. All-the-way-through healing is at risk of becoming a lost art.
Our ancestors knew all about the human need to heal. Without a lot of science and medical knowledge, they developed magick to aid healing. Today, we have medical science, but we still have the wisdom, and the magick of our ancestors. When used with care, they can greatly enhance our health and well-being.
Here are three ways this ancient knowledge can help us with the healing process today.
One of the most distressing aspects of illness is the way that it makes you feel powerless. Being sick can all to often make you feel listless and weak, less capable of taking care of yourself. These feelings can be overwhelming for a person who is suffering.
Using healing magick can give you back control at a time when you are at your most vulnerable. Casting a spell, burning incense, holding a magical object, all are deliberate acts. You are calling on the universe for healing energies. You are acting decisively for your own health and you become part of the healing process.

In the past, many of our ancestors used herbs and portions to assist in their healing spells, often unconsciously using what today would be considered medicine. For instance, willow bark has long been brewed into tea as a pain reliever. Our wise ancestors couldn’t have known it contained salicin, a precursor to aspirin, but they knew that it was effective.
Today, the potions that we use come from pharmacies and doctors, so it’s often not advisable to ingest traditional medicine. But that doesn’t mean we can’t use the natural world to aid in healing magick. We can use incense, like sandalwood, to cleanse the air and promote relaxation. We can use lavender oil to heal small cuts and scrapes and to help with anxiety. And we can use candle magic to not only help to focus intention but to create and strengthen our sacred space.

There are things that happen to us that can cause damage and injuries that aren’t physically apparent. A black eye or broken arm will soon heal, and everyone will assume you are fine. And you are fine- physically. Inside, however, you are still dealing with pain and stress.
We often think of trauma as coming from a physical assault. But trauma has other sources too. Some words have the power to wound deeply, and a serious illness might have lingering effects for the rest of your life, long after doctors say you’re healed. Anyone who’s been through the loss of a loved one knows that a smile can hide deep tears.
One of the most effective uses of healing magick is in dealing with these invisible injuries. Time spent in quiet meditation can provide important insights we might be too busy to notice. We can use healing magick to help us call out to the universe for blessings, and in some cases, justice. There is power in these rituals, if we’re prepared to use them wisely and with focus.

Modern people live lives of convenience and speed. Often, that’s a good thing, but it leaves gaps in our hearts. There’s something fundamental that we’re missing- the experience of just being human, taking time to heal the physical and spiritual wounds inflicted by modern life. By drawing on the wisdom of those who came before us, we can better balance our transient, fast-moving life with the natural world around us.