Tarot Horoscopes – October 2020

October starts with a full moon – a symbol of the harvest, gifts, and the zenith of a period of effort and growth. I hope that all of you, at this time of reaping, can find something to celebrate.
Hub – Seven of Wands
This month’s central theme is much like September’s; the focus now, however, is perseverance. Perhaps your efforts recently haven’t been as fruitful as you’d hoped, or you find yourself tired after the struggle. While it’s natural to lose some momentum after a setback, you must keep moving forward, no matter how slowly.
Aries – Ace of Wands
Let yourself be stubborn. Whatever challenges you face, you must meet them head on. Focus on what you are seeking, with the understanding that fierce determination and fortitude are necessary to manifest your will.
Taurus – Ace of Cups
Something new is coming your way. Keep an eye out for it, especially if you’ve been feeling a bit stuck in a rut lately. Opportunities for love and joy are ahead of you, so don’t give up on them! They can help you find your true path.
Gemini – Four of Swords
If you’re feeling burnt out, it might be time for a change of pace. There’s a difference between perseverance and running yourself ragged – you need to make time for your own needs too. Resting and giving up are not synonymous.
Cancer – Hierophant
While occasionally pushing past your own boundaries is important for personal growth, there is no shame in resting in your comfort zone for a while either. It’s hard to take chances if you don’t feel secure where you are. Be kind to yourself.
Leo – Temperance
While there are times when swift action is required, others call for a more cautious approach. This is not the time for rash actions or rushed decisions. Try to keep your emotions balanced and move forward with a level head.
Virgo – Six of Pentacles
Putting your best efforts into your current endeavors is admirable, but don’t get stuck on the ideal at the expense of moving forward. The struggle for perfection is detrimental to progress. Be careful not to spread yourself too thin.
Libra – Queen of Cups
Treat yourself with patience – no success is achieved without struggle. If you need support, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Alternatively, if you find that your own cup feels full, perhaps there is someone you can offer comfort to instead.
Scorpio – Ten of Swords
Failure is not final. Frustration, setbacks, even betrayal, are always possibilities in life. Hard as it is, don’t let the fear of failure keep you from trying again, as many times as necessary, until you find what you seek.
Sagittarius – Justice
Sustained effort yields continual reward. If you aren’t seeing the results you’ve been looking for, don’t give in to despair. Rather, reconsider your approach. What changes can you make to find a clearer path forward?
Capricorn – Chariot
To decide on your route, you must know your destination. Determine your goals, then take the reins. It may feel like an uphill battle, but you’ll never reach the crest if you don’t keep driving forward. Gather your courage and climb.
Aquarius – King of Cups
We can’t choose our emotions, but we can decide how to react to them. When faced with setbacks, don’t let disappointment cloud your interactions with others or damage your self-view. Try to maintain an internal balance, and stay kind.
Pisces – Eight of Pentacles
For dreams to be realized, action must be taken. If you are uncertain what must be done, perhaps now is the time to focus on learning. A more thorough understanding of yourself and your goals will give you the clarity to move forward.