This year, I’ll be having a quiet Halloween with loved ones.
My Halloween thought for this year is this…
As we move towards the weekend where the veils between the worlds are traditionally at their thinnest, I just don’t feel like getting on a sexy zombie outfit and getting down. Sorry. Boring maybe, but I feel like having dinner with my beloved dead people, and being with others who bring their own too.
Many of us know what it is to go through love and loss and grief and this is a time of year to celebrate that profound shared experience.
We’ll have a dinner for the dead, same as we did last year, and bring food, photographs, objects and stories to muster the memory of our loved ones and honour their death. It’s probably going to be a weird menu, but it will feel right.
“To speak of sorrow works upon it,
Moves it from its crouched place
Barring the way to and from the soul’s hall.”
Denise Levertov