Transcendent Space: Spirit, Science and the Cosmos
Imagine, if you so wish, a very personal spirituality based on space worship. Inclusive. Progressive. Moral. Rational. Far-reaching. Tapping into a vital sense of wonder…
Recommended listening as you read: Radium88 (Spotify)
Space is the ultimate mystery of incalculable vastness and incalculable beauty. It’s taken for granted at all times; we live our lives surrounded by the astounding universe, but so much of human life is consumed with the petty details of mundane, everyday doings that we forget about the wonders of the world and the wonders of the universe in which we live.
We are blessed with being but cursed with the burdens of survival. We are immersed in the glorious details of the natural world, floating through space filled with planets, stars, galaxies that we will never see or know about; a universe of infinite mystery, infinite beauty and infinite potential.
Perhaps I am not alone in viewing space as a tangible God, the realm of the miraculous – the neglected context for every moment of life.
What potential we have for creativity and movement and expansion, but how constricted our lives seem to be as a result of our own lack of perspective and awareness!
To me, space worship is a religion of knowledge and imagination and science, a religion of knowing and aspiring, a religion of vision and reason. We are embraced by the dance of the universe to the degree to which we are aware of the universe, aware of the spacial and interdependent context for everything that exists.
Magical space is the discovery of science fiction, the discovery of worlds upon worlds, peoples upon peoples crisscrossing the boundaries of space and time.
Magical space is time-travel, wormholes, event horizons and quasars, nebulae, never-ending galaxy upon galaxy, world-system upon world-system.
It is our human destiny to explore and colonize space, while at the same time it is also our human destiny to create the most rational, humane and moral solutions to the problems that we face on our home planet Earth. We cannot solve the problems of the future with with methodologies of the past; we must break free of our attachment to obsolete paradigms and approaches that do not provide us with the proper tools and perspectives we need to move the world forward. At the same time, we cannot just abandon everything from the past; we must find a balance between the old and the new that engages and harnesses the best of human society and culture.
How can humans create government that honours freedom of thought and freedom of choice and also honours the need to move the world towards the next stage of human evolution? What is the boundary between freedom and reason, between democracy and science? How will human beings move beyond their fears and their attachments to the old ways of doing things so that they might recognise the greater need to view the world from a vaster perspective that will allow us to have conversations we need to solve the problems of the planet as a whole?
Whatever is the most rational approach is also the most moral approach: we need to be having these types of conversations. Humans must stop polluting the world, they must stabilise and reverse climate change and they must address the unequivocal negative impact of human over-population, the expanding force behind all of our environmental problems.
The culture wars appear to be a battle between the old and the new: can we find a balance between these two perspectives so that we avoid the Manichean dichotomies that make our discourse so toxic on these issues? How will people embrace a viewpoint that is capable of creating meaningful and balanced solutions to our problems? The world of today is still a place of immense chaos, ignorance and conflict: how will we move ourselves towards a more enlightened and cosmic outlook?
Transcendent Space
I call my mystical approach to space Transcendent Space, and view it as a personal religion that others are welcome to share. Transcendent Space is a synthesis of the sacred and the secular, the mystical and the mundane: It encourages us to stay focused on the real world, on the physical and on the tangible aspects of our lives.
There is still plenty of room for (any kind of) metaphysics, but we should always strive to unite the magical and the practical, the mystical and the material. Reality is numinous. We can all strive to embrace the numinous and stop creating the dichotomy of the secular and the sacred: they are one and the same,
Love the woo-woo, embrace the woo-woo, be the woo-woo!
We need a meaningful connection to the real world, a meaningful connection to our lives, a meaningful connection to space and to existence itself. Transcendent Space allows us this connection between the secular and the sacred, if only we permit ourselves to explore this connection and the connection that we have with the rest of the world and the rest of the universe.
To me, God is a metaphor of everything highest and good. We are capable of seeing God-in-the-world, of seeing our lives and the world and the universe as a temple and a seat of the sacred. Nature is sacred because life is sacred. We can worship and love the world and the universe as the source of infinite beauty and mystery. We are surrounded by meaning; it is entirely up to us to embrace the meaning that we neglect because of our preoccupation with the very real, very demanding challenges in our lives. We need a bigger perspective: we need to create that perspective ourselves.
Humanity faces a long road ahead; we are destined to explore the universe but we should also strive to protect and preserve the glorious biodiversity of our home planet, the lovely and wonderful planet Earth. The biological Eco-systems on our planet are starting to fail: can we save them in time to create a habitable planet for all of our future generations?