14 Ways to bring magic into your life… using actual magic

14 ways to bring magic into your life… using MAGIC
Are you looking for ways to bring magic into your life? The everyday world is full of possibilities. Fill your own life with even more potential using these 14 simple ideas. Real magic doesn’t need money… just true will, love and a little bit of time to do you!
1. Have a spiritual bath
A spiritual bath is a great way to relax and lift your spirits. Having a bath is lovely just as it is, but with a sense of ritual you can turn your bath into a sacred space for a different kind of cleansing. Get in touch with your inner goddess!
SEE MORE: How to have a spiritual bath
2. Become a kitchen witch
Are you a muffin maven? Turn those skills into spells and transform yourself into a kitchen witch! Cupcakes decorated for luck? Stawberry daiquiris or mock champagne for seduction, maybe? With your creative cooking talents, unearthly understanding of herbs and dazzling decorating ideas, you decide…
SEE MORE: How to become a kitchen witch – a beginner’s guide
3. Love your crystals
Crystals are aesthetically beautiful to look at and touch. You can wear them, you can hold them, you can create beautiful displays around your home… and you can use them, too. Each crystal has been given a list of beneficial properties. Get to know your crystals, care for them and explore any personal elements you wish to enhance. Want to influence your dreams? Try tucking one under your pillow…
SEE MORE: How to look after your crystals
4. Keep a dream diary
Keep a notebook by your bedside to record dreams in. What could be more magical than exploring your inner world, starting with your subconscious mind and how it works? You can start to interpret your dreams with all the dream guides out there, but it’s also helpful to think about questions to ask yourself when you wake up – like how you felt about certain characters or situations. It can help to understand nightmares and anxiety dreams in your own dream language, not just somebody else’s. Best of all, you’ll discover your own dream wonderland! With practice, you can start exploring lucid dreaming, too…
SEE MORE: Interpreting your dreams
SEE MORE: How science can help you decode bad dreams
5. Make your own magickal inks and oils
Love arts and crafts? Love spellwork? Love both? Enhance the power and meaning behind anything you write when you make your own inks and oils. From statements of intent to love letters, make your words even more beautiful in every way!
SEE MORE: How to make your own magickal inks and oils
6. Meditate
Life can feel rushed, so slow things down and find your centre with meditation. If life feels overly busy, you can still meditate in all sorts of places… even the toilet!
SEE MORE: Easy meditation tips for everyday life (sitting, travelling, walking and even bathroom meditation tips)
7. Make a magical sigil
A magical sigil is a very useful chaos magic technique that anyone can do. It’s a way to manifest your intent in the real world – and all you need is a pencil, paper and statement of magical intent. What are you waiting for? Give it a try!
SEE MORE: How to make a magical sigil
8. Explore your world with psychogeography
Do you love nosing around old abandoned buildings? Do you adore exploring city streets just for the joy of it? Discover the art of psychogeography, and the next time you take a walk, get creative with the story of what you see. It’s a fascinating way to explore how the environment you live in shapes the way you think!
SEE MORE: Psychogeography exercises
9. Create a sacred altar
Whether you’re an atheist, a witch or a person of any faith, creating a sacred spot can be immensely satisfying on both an aesthetic and meaningful level. Sacred altars can be decorated with stones, flowers, incense, figures and personal items that have meaning to you. If you want to make a statement of intent, a real-life vision board or a full magical ritual, having a sacred altar is the perfect place to focus your energy! Creating a sacred spot can remind you of the vastness and depth of human experience even as you go about your daily chores.
10. Compile a book of shadows
If you’re doing spellwork, you can record your journey beyond the veil with a beautifully-bound and personally decorated book of shadows. It’s not for other people to see. Unless you really want them to. It’s for you.
SEE MORE: How to compile a book of shadows
11. Love yourself with a self-esteem spell
You have to believe in yourself before you can believe in anything else. If that seems like a struggle sometimes, perhaps this spell can help you take a step towards reclaiming your confidence. It’s an ongoing spell, which means it can be repeated for as long as it’s needed.
SEE MORE: How to perform a self-esteem spell
12. Explore your psychic abilities
Being called ‘gifted’ creates barriers and a false mentality, because the reality is that all of us can learn to express their psychic selves. Here’s how to see if you can increase your psychic abilities in important little ways. Proceed with love, faith and caution as you practice reading auras and more!
SEE MORE: How to try increasing your psychic abilities
13. Activate all your senses
Your senses are how you perceive and understand the world around you. To intentionally activate all your senses at once is a very magical act, and easy too! Consider it to be a form of scene-setting. Once you’ve activated all your senses in a way that’s meaningful to you, you can go on to be creative, have a spiritual bath, perform a ritual, engage in kitchen witchery… whatever’s right for you. Treat yourself. Here are some ideas:
- Taste – Water. With its proven healing properties and pure taste, what could be more magical than that? You may wish to ground yourself after any magical activities with something salty, too.
- Touch – bath, crystal
- Sight – Mirror, candle, flowers, sacred space or altar
- Smell – perfume, oils or incense
- Hearing – music
14. Catch and keep a fairy lover
Finally, a delicious task that’s hard to do on a daily basis but will definitely bring magic into your life if you succeed – for better or for worse! Sexy fairies rule, so here’s the ultimate guide on how to catch and keep a fairy lover. Though history suggests you may not want one once you’ve caught them. You’ve been warned…
SEE MORE: How to catch and keep a fairy lover