Pedicure – how to get new feet

Foot treatment: Our feet carry us through the world. Literally. This gorgeous intensive foot treatment will make you feel like you just brought a new pair of feet to match the shoes.
Our feet quite literally carry us through the world. They cushion us over life’s gravel and get squished into all sorts of ‘oh so hurty but I just so had to have them’ shoes. Our feet are mostly ignored unless they start to complain and then we say we’d like to replace them. Okay, so we can’t swap them for another style – but we can make our feet feel brand new, and they deserve a treat.
For this foot treatment you will need:
- Feet
- Basin with hot water and nice liquid soap
- nail brush
- nail clippers
- deep cleansing face mask
- moisturiser
- four plastic bags
- socks – the fluffier the better
- towel
- nail varnish
- beverage of your choice
Give your feet a nice soap and soak in the bath, shower or basin.
Scrub them gently with the nail brush in little circles, from the tips of your toes to your ankles, top and bottom until they feel all tingly.
Remember to pay special attention to the base of the nails and between your toes.
When done, dry your feet off. Clip and file your toenails if they need it and spread the contents of the deep cleansing mask all over both feet and right between your toes.
Slide a plastic bag over each foot to stop the goop spreading over your furniture and then put your feet up, sit back and relax with a nice drink for 15 minutes.
After 15 minutes have elapsed, wash every last bit of the mask off.
Dry your feet over and whilst sitting comfortably, with a towel underneath, cover your feet with moisturiser. Massage it deeply into your skin, both on the top and the bottom of your foot all the way up to your ankle and between your toes. Try and spend at least five minutes on each foot, they deserve the attention.
When done, cover them in even more moisturiser, a nice thick layer and then slide a plastic back over each foot and pull your socks on over these. Allow your toes to be warm and snug for as long as possible and if you can keep the bags and socks on overnight the better. Warning – this will make your footing a little slippery so keep walking to a minimum and be careful when you do. It’s a great reason to just relax.
When your chosen time is up, wash the remaining moisturiser off your feet. Give them a good buff with a towel to dry them.
Finally, paint your toenails the colour of your choice. I prefer cherry red – it’s bright, grounding and fairies love it.