Pollen allergy season relief

Hay fever: It’s allergy season: Birds are singing, flowers are blooming, and some ten percent of folks just can’t stop sneezing. Hay fever = boo! Deal with the deadly outdoors and cure those pollen allergy symptoms.
General tips for relief of hay fever symptoms
1. Stay inside. It’s painfully ironic – as soon as the weather gets nice enough to picnic, trees and flowers start sending out their pollens. If you can’t bring yourself to stay indoors all the time (and I don’t blame you) then figure out when the specific species of plants to which you’re allergic are the least active. The majority of plants are more or less dormant from sundown to sunrise. Moonlight hiking, anyone?
2. If you’ve been outside for a few hours, be certain to shower once you get home. Also, if you don’t already, make certain to wash your hair every day so pollen doesn’t stay trapped in your lovely locks.
3. All sorts of over-the-counter medicines are available for allergy relief, and many can be used in conjuction with each other. For example, I take Clarityn Allergy Tablets 30 for hay fever in the morning and Zyrtec in the evening. However, if you plan on taking a certain medicine regularly, please first check with a pharmacist or doctor.
4. All sorts of prescription medicines are available as well. One treatment plan for severe allergy sufferers involves regular shots – usually twice a week, then decreasing to once a week, to once a month. It’s an effective method of building up the body’s immunity, even if it is rather inconveniennt for everyone who doesn’t live within walking distance for their doctor.
Hay fever / pollen allergy relief for the nose
1. Invest in a Neti Pot. Basically, it’s a miniature teapot for your nose. They can be made of all sorts of materials – glass, plastic, metal, clay and ceramics. You fill it with a mixture of salt and water, then gently pour it into your nostrils. (Remember to remove pierceings beforehand.) It helps to clear out allergins and open up the sinuses. Neti pots have been used for centuries in yoga, as a main part of yoga involves clear breathing, and have become popular in the West during the last thirty years. Please keep in mind that while short-term use is an effective treatment, long-term use of a Neti pot tends to lead to sinus infections.
2. If your sinuses are very congested, or the allergen irritation is causing frequent nosebleeds, your doctor can give a prescription for one of several inhaled solutions for relief of hay fever symptoms. Make sure to check with your doctor about using saline treatments and other medicines while taking prescription solutions, especially as the ‘nosedrops’ take a few days to a week to become fully effective.
Hay fever / pollen allergy relief for the eyes
1. One of the easiest things to do to help alleviate irration of the eyes is also one of the most irrating: don’t wear eye makeup or contact lenses. Perhaps this is the season to try a 1930s look with unadorned eyes and lips like a crimson gash?
2. Allium Cepa 30C Homeopathic Tablets x 125 – onion – is a common homeopathic treatment for itchy, watery eyes. The chemicals in the onion also irritate the eyes, thus activating the body to go about the process of allivitating your symptoms. It comes in several forms, including tablets, teas, powders and ointments.
3. Again, prescription medicine, especially eyedrops, can be purchased; just make sure to tell your doctor everything else you’re treating your body with to avoid unpleasent cross-reactions. Eyedrops have the added bonus of bringing some relief to sinuses, as well, since tearducts connect into the nose.
Hay fever / pollen allergy relief for the throat
1. Rooibos Tea – also called red tea or honeybush tea – is an effective antihistimine and anti-inflammatory tea of South African origin. If you don’t prefer tea, regularly drinking water is a good idea, as it washes out your throat.
2. Purchase (or ask your doctor/dentist/medical intern friend for) a box of surgical masks. These help you avoid directly breathing in pollen. They also give you that wonderful 1990s punk Japanese look. (Gasmaskes are even more effective, but unfortunately rather pricy.)
3. Run an Air Purifier in your house. These are rather expensive, costing anywhere from $70 to $900, but if your allergies are very bothersome and long-lasting it might be an appropriate investment. Filters for furnaces and air conditioning systems also act to purify the air and are significantly less expensive – about $20 – so try those first.
Hopefully, this article has given you some new tactics for battling your allergies and enjoying the springtime. If you have other ideas, pop over to the Mookychick Messageboard and tell us about them!