Waiting for Medical Test Results
If something big has happened and waiting for test results to come back from the doctors is taking ages, you need to find a few ways to take care of yourself.
Last year I found two egg sized lumps in my neck. First thought? Well, the obscenities that initially flitted through my head were a little too cheeky even for this website. I knew already what it was; my brother had the same scare and had his cysts removed two years previously with a thyroidectomy, leaving him with a scar across his neck. He deals with it well, usually telling people that he fell on a shovel. Not the most tactful of excuses for something so serious, but hey, it gets him through it.
So, fast forward a few weeks and a few tedious doctor appointments later (now’s not the time for rantings over healthcare system inefficiencies), I was laid up in hospital and having needles maliciously jammed into my gullet. Okay – this may be a tad hyperbolic. My consultant had the complete opposite disposition of Norman Bates.
The cysts on my neck were attached to the thyroid, which creates most of the body’s hormones. If the test results came back and they were cancerous, then they would have to be removed and I would not only have the Frankensteinesque scar, but also be on tablets for the rest of my life, restricting me from going in the military (as a pacifist this didn’t bother me in the slightest) and obviously there was the devastating impact of having the Big C. So many people are strong enough and empowered to battle through like Boudicca on her bronze chariot, but was I? I mean I just only started A levels and just got out of puberty, and considered myself way too emotionally immature for this.
Anyway, fluid was taken, sent for testing and the waiting began.
If all else fails, you may need to become your own Doctor. Sonic screwdrivers work, dammit.
I spent three weeks waiting, as you can imagine was the worst time of my life. Luckily, my boyfriend of the time was supportive, dealing with mood swings that went from Attila the Hun to Sylvia Plath in 0.5 seconds. Of course my family was the best support possible and obviously being the quintessentialy British household, many a cup of tea was made. However, education took a backseat, as did my social life. Basically I became the typical Victorian hrmit (nudity and waist-length beard not included).
The test day came, and the cysts were revealed to be benign. It felt like a weight had been lifted, the clouds had cleared and many other cliches occured that always come inevitably to mind when something really big happens. So ends the odyssey, with the cysts being drained so I wasn’t confused with a bullfrog and left me with the rather disturbing quirk of checking my neck several times a day to see if the lumps have returned with malice.
Things you can do to help ease your mind if waiting for medical test results:
Don’t put up any barriers. Talk to anyone who will listen and don’t deny help.
Do things you enjoy to take your mind off the worrying – for me it was writing short stories.
If you are in education, tell your tutors. They will understand and lighten the workload.
Find other people who will support you on the internet: chatrooms, emailing or forums.
Don’t always think of the worst possible outcome; you will become mentally and physically tired and in a worse position.
If all else fails feel free to email me, and I will support you.