Call For Personal Essay Submissions: Triple Goddess/Spring Equinox

The world isn’t an especially light place at the moment, so I’m looking for essays that will bring a spring to our digital steps. This month’s call for submissions for the personal essays and creative non-fiction section revolves around the idea of the triple goddess alongside the spring equinox, which I hope will call to mind symbols of strength, and times of change for the better.
Every month these themes are introduced as a way of inspiring writing, so I welcome loose interpretations and very dedicated ones alike, depending on your writing style. However, to get you thinking, here are some early ideas and inspirations.
The Triple Goddess
The Triple Goddess as a deity archetype that makes an appearance in many spiritual belief systems, and in many Neopagan traditions too. The Neopagan usage of this image or figure encourages the idea of a unity between three distinct entities. These three entities, as shown in the Triple Goddess image representation, have come to represent different elements over the years.
However, one of the more common readings of this three-figure structure is that it shows the Maiden, the Mother and the Crone, which are thought to be the three periods in a woman’s life. In many Wicca-based belief systems, this image is countered by the masculine energy of the Horned God.
There are many ways of breaking down the roles of the Triple Goddess further. A common interpretation sees the three female figures as having their own roles and importance in the female life cycle.
With this in mind, the Maiden is often thought to be a figure of enchantment and expansion, and she brings with her youth enthusiasm and the promise of new beginnings. In the moon’s cycle, the Maiden in the waxing moon. Meanwhile, the Mother is a symbol of sexuality and fertility, bringing a power and a fullness that is also seen in the moon cycle, where she is the full moon. Finally, the Crone brings wisdom, completion and death, shown by the waning moon.
Spring Equinox
To complement these changing cycles of life, this month the Triple Goddess has been paired with the spring equinox. In its most basic form, an equinox is the point in time when the earth’s equator passes through the centre of the sun. This happens twice a year, with the spring event taking place in March (which is why I’m so eager to hear your thoughts about it all).
In the Wiccan calendar, the spring equinox also goes by the name of Ostara; although it also goes by the names vernal equinox; rites of spring; and lady day (among other titles).
The spring equinox marks the official start of Spring – despite what the weather tells us – so it’s thought to be a bountiful time of greener and warmer landscapes. This is also thought to be the point in the yearly calendar that is especially celebratory of balance, beginnings and actions being completed, so the equinox brings with it gentle encouragement for good things.
The change in weather that sees crops come to fruition and days become lighter and longer is also thought to signify a balance between the God, moving towards maturity, and the Earth moving towards fertility (or rather, moving towards the Maiden stage).
Our mood board for the month…
Call For Submissions
For Creative Non-Fiction and Personal Essays Iwill be running a new theme every month, from the middle of one month to the middle of the next. This means this theme will remain open to submissions until April 15.
Essay submissions should be no longer than 1,500 words in length and, when they are submitted, the subject heading for your email should read: ‘Goddess/Spring’. This will ensure that your essay is read in a timely fashion.
Please email submissions to me at and if you have any questions regarding the themed call-out you can direct these to me, via this email address, too.
Please note: The themed call-out is intended as a prompt or source of inspiration for authors who would like to write to a theme. I will still be accepting submissions outside of the themed topic so if you have a personal essay that you would like to discuss, which is not related to the current theme, please do feel free to email me anyway.
Mookychick will also be announcing a very special call-out shortly to raise awareness for International Women’s Day.