
The Mookychick Lit Community is a haven for published poetry by emerging and established writers. Keep creating at your own pace. Keep celebrating your personal art and your own unique perspective. We are here to celebrate by your side. You are also welcome to take part in the Poetry Dowsing Writing Course - a free self-care writing course for poets.

Pantum: Snow Queen Poison Heart

Pantum: Snow Queen Poison Heart

Forever Wood - Poetry by Kristin Garth

Forever Wood – Poetry by Kristin Garth

Poetry by Dr. Charley Barnes: The Rose | Sub rosa

Poetry by Dr. Charley Barnes: The Rose | Sub rosa

Poetry by Claire Walker : A Love Poem to Prince Eric

Poetry by Claire Walker : A Love Poem to Prince Eric

Poetry by Crystal Davis: Aphrodite

Poetry by Crystal Davis: Aphrodite

Poetry by Courtney LeBlanc : Fables & Fairy Tales

Poetry by Courtney LeBlanc : Fables & Fairy Tales

Poetry by Cherry Doyle: Wild Harvest

Poetry by Cherry Doyle: Wild Harvest

Photo by Katherine Hanlon on Unsplash

Poetry by Sarah Ziman : Witch Bottle

Poetry by Christina Ciufo :Vosges’ Midsummer Solstice

Poetry by Christina Ciufo :Vosges’ Midsummer Solstice

Poetry By Robin Throne : Dark of the Moon

Poetry By Robin Throne : Dark of the Moon

Poetry by Sarah Taylor-Foltz :Madwoman in the Attic- Chloe and Olivia

Poetry by Sarah Taylor-Foltz :Madwoman in the Attic- Chloe and Olivia

Poetry by Laura Wainwright: The Plough

Poetry by Laura Wainwright: The Plough