Become a Mookychick reviewer – here’s how!

Would you like to get free books and music while supporting creative women? We are expanding our reviewers list and would love to hear from you.
Did you know? Mookychick is also looking for contributors!
Here at Mookychick Central, we get so many invitations to review outstanding books and comics by women. We also get a heads-up on fierce women singer-songwriters and bands. Our aim is to spread the word and support women creators, many of whom are indie or small press authors and artists.
Calling all rebel-hearted readers and music mavens – get free books and music when you become a reviewer! Here’s how.
Get in touch and say hi to Magda Knight, Mookychick’s founder and editor, at [email protected]
Say a little about your past writing experience. If you include a link or two to previous work/blog posts you’ve done online, it can help us to see your writing style and interests. Or you’re welcome to send us an example review of a favourite book or album.
Tell us what you’d be interested in reviewing (the questions below may help as a guide). Once you’re on our reviewer list we can get in touch if a review opportunity turns up that matches your interests…
1. Would you prefer to review books or music?
- Music
- Books
- Both
2. Any reading preferences?
- YA
- Fantasy
- Sci-fi
- Comics/manga
- Short story collections
- Poetry collections
- Novels
- Non-fiction (e.g. feminism, self-care, arts and crafts, paganism/magic/witchcraft)
3. Any music preferences?
- Indie
- Rock/metal
- Folk
- Electro/ambient
- Goth/industrial/dark
- Other
Reviewer FAQs
If you can’t find the answers to your questions below, just drop us a line:
What do you look for in a review?
The way a book or song makes you feel… can you write about it in a way that could make a reader feel that way too? Search online for “how to write reviews” and you’ll find loads of great advice, from The Book Trust to bloggers like Rachel Phipps.
Our key aim at Mookychick is to be proactive and positive. If we hate something we would rather not review it at all. If we like it, we are inclined to tell the world. If we like it but with one or two reservations or questions, we aim for a blend of honesty and generosity.
Can I write features or fiction as well as reviews?
Your reviews on Mookychick can lead to additional opportunities like email Q&As with authors and bands. In addition, we are always open to new submissions. Our door never closes. See our full submission guidelines to see what we are currently looking for in terms of features, how-tos, opinion pieces and more.
What about deadlines?
Reading takes time, so we aim for achievable deadlines. We ask for a deadline of one month for book reviews, and a deadline of two weeks for music reviews. If you want to review something but think the deadline might pose problems, let us know and we can find a deadline that works for you. If we have an earlier deadline in mind we’ll certainly let you know in advance so you can make a decision.
How often will I be expected to review stuff?
It will never be more often than you want, and it will always be an invitation, not a demand. You might be invited to review something once every month or two. If you’d like to review more often, great.
Does it matter where I live?
With digital book and music formats, you can live anywhere and still receive books, songs and albums to review.
BOOKS: Review copies and ARCs (Advance Reader Copies) often get supplied in digital format that can be read on e-readers, desktops or phones, so you can live anywhere. Sometimes there are opportunities to get a gorgeous paperback or hardback sent to you in the post, too (although we hate to see authors or indie publishers out of pocket, so we only ask for these if it seems fair).
MUSIC: It’s all done digitally because you will usually get a press-only download link for a track or album, or you might get a Soundcloud or Bandcamp link. Press-only links are always used for review purposes only, out of respect for the creators.
Can I write anonymously?
When you join Mookychick as a contributor you get an author profile with the author name, profile pic and bio of your choice.
You may prefer to use your real name, but you are at full liberty to make your profile as anonymous as you wish, e.g. by picking a nom de plume. Being in control of your identity on the web is incredibly important and we respect that.
SEE MORE: Mookychick submission guidelines
Shelfie photo: D. Cordelle 2.0